BLM Mr Wavey
MODEL: Mr Wavey
Width: 12hp
Current: +115mA -110mA
Stack: 2 Level PCB sand which
Caution, not skiff friendly. Compatible with POD cases by 4MS
Does this module require another module?
Yes, you need an oscillator vco module. Best compatibility is a vco with triangle wave and square wave.
Self oscillating sine wave from a VCF module can be used but will not take full advantage of the module.
What does this do?
This module takes two external sources (patched) from an external other module. It wants a triangle waveform and a square waveform.
The internal analog circuitry will make you a variety of wave forms, selectable by knob. You can also blend the output with a slicer and a sub harmonic generator on the second channel.
This module upgrades your boring vco. The wave shapes found on this product is 15+ years of analog circuits I have gathered.
You get two channels of waveform banks. Each can output something separate and different.
There is CV control for the Waveform selection banks, Sub harmonic selection bank, and Pulse Wave Modulation on channel 2.